Abbotsford Peer Support for Seniors

Ph: 604-850-0011

gathering of seniors at event

Our Programs

The Abbotsford Peer Support for Seniors offers two main programs available as a FREE service for seniors 50+. Our goal for the programs is to enhance the well being of seniors and support independent living by providing encouragement, information or referrals.

The seniors are referred from Home Health Care, Mental Health, doctors, family, friends and self. Confidentiality of the senior is assured!

Peer Support Program

Peer Support Program Volunteers

Peer support is a process in which trained volunteers offer one-on-one listening and emotional support, guidance, empathy and information to in-need peers living alone. This enables them to help themselves with feelings of loneliness, depression, isolation or loss of loved ones.

We believe that peer support volunteers, being of similar age and experience, act as the vehicle for seniors to help them regain or maintain their independence allowing them to live with dignity.

Our senior peer support volunteers have been trained to deal with the special problems of the senior years. After training, the peer support volunteers are matched with a senior and work in cooperation with the coordinator.

Most visits are once a week and one-hour in length. Volunteers are NOT allowed to accept gifts of any kind. Volunteers offer a listening ear, talk over any problems, provide information needed to help them make informed decisions and to acquaint them with seniors' services available. They cannot provide transportation, do housework or shopping. They can give information on who will do these things.

Good Morning Program


Start Your Day with a Ring!

Our good morning calls give interested seniors a telephone check on their physical/mental well being helping them maintain their independence. The calls assure the seniors of daily contact with the outside world, providing them peace of mind and a consistent social contact.

The service is ideal for seniors who do not have any local family or support to check on them, even on a temporary basis. It is also good for seniors who are recovering from hospitalization, socially isolated or shut-in seniors or seniors temporarily alone when family members or caregivers are away. Calls may also be used as a reminder to take medication.

The service is available from 9am - 10am Monday to Friday at a mutually agreeable time. Phone calls are made from the office, or in some cases, from a volunteer's home and are no more than 5 minutes in length.

If the volunteer caller is unable to reach the senior, an emergency protocol is then followed. The senior is required to provide an emergency contact.


If you are interested in finding out more about our programs or volunteering be sure to contact us and we'll be happy to provide you with further details.